According to 2017 data of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), ILKO was the company that made the most trademark applications in the pharmaceutical industry from Turkey within the framework of the Madrid Protocol. According to the data of Istanbul Chemicals and Products Exporters Association (İKMİB), we ranked 27th among the companies that exported the most in the pharmaceutical category in 2018.
ILKO Research and Development Center (İLKO ARGEM), established in 2009 in Hacettepe University Technology Development Zone, has a closed area of 2600 m². İLKO ARGEM is a pioneering and exemplary R&D investment made on this scale within the Technology Development Zone, by creating an infrastructure in Turkey for R&D in university-industry cooperation. İLKO ARGEM; It consists of four units: analytical, formulation, patent and clinical research.
Qualified scientists; It continues its work with the main focus of developing value-added products and new treatment opportunities, specialist drugs and biological drugs. Innovative technologies studied at the center;